Recent Articles

Reject Alabama Abortion Ban
Heather Rawling, Socialist Party women’s committee Alabama legislators have passed a bill that makes it a felony for a doctor to perform or attempt to perform an abortion. They even denied an amendment allowing exemptions for cases of rape and incest. The bill’s sponsor Terri Collins – a Republican in the Alabama House of Representatives […]

The top 1,000 wealthiest individuals and families in Britain are sitting on a record £771.3 billion, up £47.8 billion in a year. This astonishing fact is in this year’s Sunday Times Rich List. At the same time millions of children from working families are living in poverty, more than a third of babies are living […]

Socialists Still Fighting For a No-Cuts Budget in Leicester
“We’ll use cash reserves to set a no cuts budget” was the Leicester Mercury headline when they reported our manifesto for the Leicester Mayoral and city council elections. The article went on to say that using reserves was “necessary in order to build a campaign to get the money from the Government we need for […]

Socialist Alternative Mayoral Candidate Explains Why Leicester Needs a Mass Movement to End Austerity
With just 5 days until polling begins, Leicester Socialist Party hosted a public meeting earlier this afternoon to spell out our plan to fight all cuts if we are elected to city council. The meeting was wide-ranging, covering topics from cuts to local services, addressing the mental health crisis in our schools, the NHS, and […]

Leicester Mayoral Husting: Only Two Choices – Stop the Cuts or Make the Cuts
It’s a daily struggle to make ends meet for working-class people in Leicester, made worse by the cuts that the Labour council is making. Yet at a recent mayoral hustings meeting, Mayor Sir Peter Soulsby (a ‘left’ in the 1970s), had the audacity to criticise the record of Liverpool’s socialist Labour council in the 1980s […]

Leicester’s Local Elections, We Need Socialist Candidates Not Property Developers
While some of Leicester’s 51 Labour Council candidates publicly back Jeremy Corbyn and say that if given the opportunity would vote to oppose cuts, the vast majority refuse to do so. Little wonder, then, that when Unison City Branch officially put to them a fighting strategy to stop the cuts in 2017, at that stage […]

Leicester Socialist Party Election Manifesto
On Friday 19 April Leicester Socialist Party candidates gathered outside the Town hall to launch their local election manifesto for the city. A copy of the manifesto can be founded online here, SP Manifesto 2019 The Key pledges in the document are: We will make no cuts in Leicester’s services by using reserves and borrowing […]

‘Brexishambles’: we’re sick of it! Boot out the Tories – End Austerity
Theresa May’s ‘Brexishambles’ keeps rolling on. And we’re sick of it! How many more extensions can she possibly request from Brussels? How many times can she present new versions of a dismal, anti-working-class, bosses’ Brexit deal for a parliamentary vote? Could the Tories be more split, splintered, weak and wobbly? How on earth are they […]

Join the Fight-back Against All Council Cuts!
Come along to one of our public meetings to find out more…

Leicester NHS Trust Forced to Confront the Brutal Reality of Health Cuts
Around 80 people attended a politically charged Save Our NHS Leicestershire (SONHSL) public meeting last Saturday to discuss the planned reorganisation of Leicester’s hospitals. Speaking at the meeting was Sally Ruane, a local health policy academic and NHS campaigner, and Mark Wightman, the Director of Communications and Strategy for the local NHS Trust. But the […]