Author Archive: Michael Barker

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Dumping on Workers: SOVA’s (Ineffectual) Soma

Dumping on Workers: SOVA’s (Ineffectual) Soma

And if ever, by some unlucky chance, anything unpleasant should somehow happen, why, there’s always soma to give you a holiday from the facts. And there’s always soma to calm your anger, to reconcile you to your enemies, to make you patient and long-suffering. – Aldous Huxley, Brave New World. Humans like to help one […]

Of Scabs and Freerange Chickens

Of Scabs and Freerange Chickens

Yesterday, members of the Sheffield branch of the Socialist Party — who have been supporting the Sova recycling workers fight against cuts in jobs, hours and pay — organised a protest picket against the haulage company that has been hired to break the Sova workers outstanding and indefinite all-out strike. This action was undertaken in solidarity with the striking GMB members who had been advised that it is illegal to secondary picket under the existing anti-trade union laws.

Determined Tax Scammer Has No Money Left For Employees!

Michael Barker reports on tax avoidance by the rich, including 2 Sisters Food Group boss Baljinder Boparan, the ongoing dispute at the 2 Sisters owned RF Brookes factory in Leicester, and the lessons to be learned from the MMP Bootle workers.

Intensifying Exploitation and the Fightback at RF Brookes

Under capitalism, all that matters is profit… ever-increasing profits; with human welfare always relegated to the sidelines. Small businesses grow or die in this uncertain and highly competitive landscape, and those rare family businesses that manage to succeed in this hostile climate are considered prime targets for acquisition by profit-hungry corporations. RF Brookes factory in South Wigston, Leicester, is a case in point. Opening their first family-managed pie factory in 1957 in Warwickshire, RF Brookes soon upgraded to a premises in Leicester, and in the process became known as the best pie manufacturer in the Midlands.

Posted in: Cuts, Trade Unions, TUSC
Hundreds Maintain Vibrant Strike Action in Leicester

Hundreds Maintain Vibrant Strike Action in Leicester

Today five hundred workers at a food processing factory in Leicester took their third day of concerted strike action to oppose the unjust policies imposed upon them by their profit hungry management. Attacks on the workers based at RF Brookes factory, in South Wigston, unfortunately typify capitalist attempts to squeeze every last drop of profit […]

Posted in: Cuts, Trade Unions

Police and council require great criticism, not credit

On June 11, 2012, the Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol) held a meeting at the Highfields Community Centre to mark the publication of their enlightening and critical report on the (mis)policing of the sad day that the English Defence League were allowed (most notably by Sir Peter Soulsby) to march triumphantly through the centre of […]

Posted in: Leicester