Author Archive: Michael Barker

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Leicester TUSC Backs ’38 Degrees’ Anti-TTIP Campaign

Leicester TUSC Backs ’38 Degrees’ Anti-TTIP Campaign

Earlier today, local campaigners working with 38 Degrees held a protest in town to oppose the anti-democratic nature of the little-known Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). In Leicester the only political party take part in today’s Global Day of Action against TTIP  were members of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC). TUSC parliamentary […]

Posted in: Leicester, NHS, Organising, TUSC
Global Fast Food Rights Day of Action

Global Fast Food Rights Day of Action

On Tuesday evening, young people, trade unionists and campaigners protested against zero-hour contracts and for a £10/hr minimum wage. The protest was held from 3-6pm outside McDonald’s in Leicester city centre. The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC), a new electoral challenge standing in a fifth of the parliamentary seats supported this global fast food […]

Posted in: BFAWU, Leicester, TUSC
TUSC Candidate Leads Debate

TUSC Candidate Leads Debate

Last nights Leicester hustings was a revealing affair: the Tory’s didn’t bother to field a speaker, and UKIP’s parliamentary candidate, like many UKIP supporters, was unaware of his party’s policies. In fact UKIP’s speaker was the only panelist who chose to pass on the opportunity to answer a number of questions from the audience. The […]

Posted in: Leicester, TUSC
Rebel Councillors Say Council Cuts Aren’t Necessary

Rebel Councillors Say Council Cuts Aren’t Necessary

Government attacks to local Council funding are having a disastrous effect on the people of Leicester. With £85 million having already been cut from the city’s finances over the past four years, two Councillors in Leicester aim to reverse this damaging trend. They say that the Council must stand its ground and refuse to implement […]

Ending Slavery in Leicester

Ending Slavery in Leicester

Yesterday the Leicester Mercury reported that “A new study has found the majority of the people employed in the city’s garment sector earn less than half the legal hourly rate, which is £6.50 for those aged 21 or over.” This shocking local study on the prevalence of modern-day slavery in Leicester was produced with the […]

Labour and the One Percent

Labour and the One Percent

Sadly, local Council leaders continue to promise multi-million-pound cuts to vital public services that serve the 99%, while vying to attract the super-rich 1% to their towns. Thus “in the past two weeks, we’ve learned that IBM, Hastings Insurance Services and the Tejani family (estimated wealth £140 million) have been given £1 million each in […]

Posted in: TUSC
Millions Stolen from Leicester: Bringing Tax Justice to Boots

Millions Stolen from Leicester: Bringing Tax Justice to Boots

Over £6 million has been stolen from the people of Leicester by Boots the chemist since 2007. This shocking sum was calculated based on national figures that estimated that Boots failed to pay some £1.2 billion in tax in the past seven years. Seeking to redress this injustice, local campaigners working with the Trade Unionist […]

Posted in: Trade Unions, TUSC
Putting Our Politicians Under Fire

Putting Our Politicians Under Fire

The government continues to attack our much needed firefighters, so today firefighters were forced to take further industrial action. With a 24 hour nationwide strike running from 9am this icy morning here in Leicester, firefighters are still fighting against the government’s attempt to cut their pensions. With the Con-Dem’s attempting to change their retirement age […]

Trelleborg Engineering Pay Victory in Leicester

Trelleborg Engineering Pay Victory in Leicester

Unite members at Trelleborg engineering in Leicester have won a two-year pay deal following two strikes. As a result their planned three day strike was called off on Wednesday 26th November, with their success no doubt owing much to the workers plans to escalate their industrial action in succeeding weeks. The deal includes: A back paid 1.7% […]

Help Save Braunstone’s Community Services From Sir Peter’s Tory Policies

Help Save Braunstone’s Community Services From Sir Peter’s Tory Policies

All public services are vital, therefore any attempt to cut such services must be opposed by our local political representatives. However with our Labour Council currently intent on running the city into the ground by carrying through Tory cuts, it seems that only the two Councillors of the recently launched group, Leicester Independent Councillors Against […]

Posted in: Leicester