Author Archive: Michael Barker

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Fair Pay for All!

Fair Pay for All!

Following the joint public sector strike on 10 July, yesterday almost quarter million civil servants in the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) took strike action in a dispute concerning everyone’s fight for fair pay. Since 2010, taking into account pay cuts, the increase in monthly pension contributions and the cost of living, many civil […]

Striking For Health!

Striking For Health!

Today marked a great start to NHS workers efforts to prevent the ongoing running into the ground of our country’s vital and unique health services. After 30 years of refusing to take strike action, workers across the country took a momentous step this morning by striking for four hours in their campaign for fair pay. […]

Solidarity With Kobane

Solidarity With Kobane

Following massive protests in London, more than hundred people gathered in Leicester city centre earlier this afternoon to call for an end to imperialist violence. Organized by the local Kurdish community, today’s rally aimed to call attention to the nightmare being inflicted upon Syrian Kurds, most particularly in the town of Kobane, which for some […]

Posted in: Turkey
Building the Alternative to Mainstream Politics

Building the Alternative to Mainstream Politics

Today in the searing September sun in Birmingham, around 1,000 trade unionists and activists from across the region rallied in defiance of the attacks on the working class being hatched within the Tory Party’s annual conference. Unfortunately the Labour Party does nothing to distinguish themselves from our Tory class enemies, and after attending Labour’s conference […]

Posted in: Organising, TUSC
Opposition Councillors Accuse Labour of Making Un-Necessary Cuts

Opposition Councillors Accuse Labour of Making Un-Necessary Cuts

Last Thursday (September 18) was a busy day in Leicester, especially for those organising opposition to the government’s relentless attacks on the working class. First, the Fire Brigades Union (FBU), as part of a national tour to publicise their fight against cuts, spoke to a rally on Humberstone Gate to highlight the necessity for united […]

Posted in: TUSC
Ending ISIS Terror

Ending ISIS Terror

In 2003, millions marched in outrage to oppose the Labour Party’s so-called “war on terror.” Yet despite an overwhelming display of global public oppositio,  the vile war on Iraq still took place — further cementing into history the unwillingness of mainstream politicians to align their policies with the demands of their electorate. As a direct […]

Posted in: Anti-war
Workers of Leicester Unite!

Workers of Leicester Unite!

Today was a proud day for Leicester as a thousand plus people came together in the centre of town to show their vocal opposition to the ongoing public sector pay freeze. Many thousands more workers from the region also took part in this industrial action, making a stellar contribution to today’s united effort that successfully […]

Saving the NHS

Saving the NHS

Yesterday a successful meeting was organised by the Leicester Campaign Against NHS Privatization in the town centre to inform local residents about the ongoing attacks on the NHS. Critically, the meeting was convened to also consider what actions can be taken to safeguard public service values and the principles underpinning the NHS. The featured main […]

Posted in: Cuts, FBU, Leicester, NHS, Unite
They Rescue People Not Banks!

They Rescue People Not Banks!

There was great support in the sunshine at Western Fire Station, New Parks, Leicester from local people this morning. The 24 hour action was the longest so far in this dispute, but one passer-by suggested that maybe they need to stay out for longer to force the government to listen. The pickets agreed, saying that […]

Posted in: FBU, Leicester
Egdon Fracking Not Welcome

Egdon Fracking Not Welcome

Earlier this year David Cameron announced, “We’re going all out for shale” while simultaneously announcing bribes to councils and local planning authorities in order to spread destructive fracking operations across the country. Fracking being yet another polluting and wasteful method of energy production that is entirely suited to capitalist profiteering. Egdon Resources is just one […]