Author Archive: Michael Barker

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Fighting for Fast-Food Rights

Fighting for Fast-Food Rights

Click here to watch an interview with Helen Pattison from Youth Fight for Jobs featured on tonight’s Channel 4 News. For an empowering two hours earlier this evening, McDonald’s in Leicester was host to an international solidarity protest. Invitations had been sent out by the Baker Food and Allied Workers Union and Youth Fight for […]

Posted in: BFAWU, Leicester, Youth
May Day Socialism

May Day Socialism

Hundreds of people rallied together in Leicester on Monday to celebrate May Day, helping strengthen the links between local workers who are determined to unite in the fight-back against all the political parties of cuts. On the same day The Guardian newspaper somehow managed to find the space to write a useful article about the […]

Posted in: Leicester, Trade Unions, TUSC
The Fight for Equality

The Fight for Equality

UPDATE: TREC posted this article “We Stood Our Ground” which includes powerful videos of some of the speakers at the protest. Around 100 people protested outside the Labour Group meeting in Leicester today against the threatened withdrawal of funding for the Leicester Race Equality Centre (TREC). Speakers at the rally made the point that TREC […]

Posted in: Cuts, Leicester, Unison
Cuts and Resistance

Cuts and Resistance

There is no need to cut public services! Funding should be increased for the provision of public services, not decreased. Contrary to misinformation, our Labour-run council has plenty of reserves, which instead of being used to pay employees’ redundancy payments, could be used to keep services open while it fought the Tory cuts. The Council […]

Posted in: Cuts
Is the Grass Greener?

Is the Grass Greener?

It is obvious to many that the Labour Party are no longer willing or capable of presenting any answers for the working-class. In Labour-run Council’s where their own councillors have the temerity to stand by their electorate and refuse to accept the inevitability of Con-Dem cuts such councillors are simply ejected (see “Don’t vote for […]

Posted in: Cuts, Greens
Greens, Fighting Cuts or Making Cuts?

Greens, Fighting Cuts or Making Cuts?

Across England and Wales the Green Party can boast of having 139 local councillors and they are in the favourable position of also being the biggest party on Brighton and Hove City Council. In the latter case, this means that we have the perfect case study to demonstrate what the Green’s will do when at […]

Posted in: Cuts, Greens, TUSC
Profits NEXT to Housing

Profits NEXT to Housing

According the Leicester Mercury, Tory peer Simon Wolfson, who is the chief executive of the Enderby-based retail giant Next, is happy for two reasons. The first owes to the fact that Eleanor, his new wife (of 2012) — who happens to be George Osborne’s economic adviser — has recently given birth to the couple’s first heir […]

Zero Tolerance for Zero Hours

Zero Tolerance for Zero Hours

Burning with discontent, trade unionists and socialists joined in a national day of action on Saturday against corporate scroungers who are content with exploiting their workers with zero-hour contacts. Locally, more than fifty people gathered in Shirebrook, Derbyshire, to highlight the oppressive conditions at Sports Direct’s regional warehouse. This modern-day work house employs around 5,000 […]

Posted in: BFAWU, GMB
Turkish Solidarity Protest

Turkish Solidarity Protest

Following the death of Berkin Elvan, a young Turkish boy who was shot by the police last summer and had been in a coma ever since, a protest took place in the centre of Leicester yesterday as a display of solidarity with the people of Turkey. Disgustingly the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan referred to […]

Posted in: Turkey
Opposing Atos

Opposing Atos

On Wednesday 19th December scores of protesters gathered outside the offices of Atos Healthcare, in Halford Street, to highlight the extreme violence being waged against the sick and disabled by the Government through their latest corporate cypher Atos Healthcare. The successful Leicester event was part of a much broader day of action organised nationwide against Atos. […]

Posted in: Cuts, Disabled