
Universities on Strike

Universities on Strike

Today university staff across the country took their second day of united strike action. The three unions taking strike action had met on Monday 21st October with the pay negotiators, UCEA, but sadly the outcome of this meeting was not positive, as although the employers side were prepared to have further meetings with the unions, […]

University Staff Take Joint Strike Action
By 31/10/2013 Read More →

University Staff Take Joint Strike Action

Sandra Lee, UNITE rep at Leicester University said: “We have had our pay effectively frozen for years. Now senior managers are paying themselves large bonuses whilst 10% of our staff don’t earn the living wage. As far as we are concerned whether teach medicine or law, whether you discovered Richard IIIrd or whether you keep […]

The Fight Against Academies in Leicester

The Fight Against Academies in Leicester

By Simon Robinson, Leicester NUT, personal capacity Rushey Mead School is a large secondary school in Leicester. It has been an ‘outstanding’ school for years and has strong links to the local community. It is also a brand new school building, one of the last few to get this funding before the government pulled the plug. […]

Posted in: Education, NUT
Uplands Junior School Latest

Uplands Junior School Latest

By Heather Rawling Life member NUT It has emerged that the now suspended and discredited head Tim Luckcock (yes I have spelt his name correctly) and the governing body spent over £48,000 on legal fees in the last year — a phenomenal amount for a school. This would have paid for the classroom teachers they […]

Posted in: Education
Teachers Strike: Leicester Report
By 02/10/2013 Read More →

Teachers Strike: Leicester Report

By Heather Rawling Life member NUT Young teachers proved Beth Davis, NUT president wrong when they took strike action and demonstrated to defend education and teachers pay and condition. At a Leicester City NUT meeting she said young teachers weren’t interested in striking to defend pensions. Yet in a rousing speech at the demo rally, […]

Posted in: Education, NUT
Uplands Junior School Strikes Again
By 05/09/2013 Read More →

Uplands Junior School Strikes Again

Support staff, members of GMB and UNISON at an inner city school in Leicester took strike action on 4 September against plans to halve the number of Teaching Assistants. Last term there were three days of strike action by teachers in the NUT at Uplands Junior School. These were over grievances against the head teacher […]

Dispute at Uplands Junior School

Dispute at Uplands Junior School

By Heather Rawling retired NUT member Events have moved rapidly since teachers at Uplands Junior School in Leicester staged their second one day strike. The head, Dr Luckcock and Governors had been so determined to keep the school open that staff were seriously concerned for the quality of education and health and safety of the […]

NUT Members Strike to Defend Teaching Assistant Posts

NUT Members Strike to Defend Teaching Assistant Posts

Written by Heather Rawling retired NUT member Uplands Picket Line this Morning “Things are getting serious” a NUT member told me on the picket line at Uplands Junior School in Leicester. In a second marvelous show of solidarity, teachers at an inner city school have taken another day’s strike action to defend children’s education and […]

Posted in: Education, NUT
On Strike at Uplands School to Defend Education
By 21/05/2013 Read More →

On Strike at Uplands School to Defend Education

Teachers Strike to Defend Children’s Education and Save Teaching Assistant Jobs Heather Rawling retired NUT member In a marvellous show of solidarity, teachers at an inner city school have taken strike action to defend children’s education and the jobs of eight teaching assistants. A united picket line demonstrated the determination of teachers to win their […]

Privatising Schools in Leicester

“Leicester Miller Education Company Ltd is the Public Private Partnership delivering the circa £300m Building Schools Schools for the Future (BSF) programme in Leicester… Respect for people, communities and the environment is embedded in our culture.” Leicester Miller Education Company Web Site, 2012. All corporations must by law place profit before all other considerations; which […]

Posted in: Education