
By 12/12/2012 Read More →

A Review of the East Midlands Regional Women’s Meeting

I wasn’t sure what to expect as I sat in a room full of women at the Socialist Party’s East Midlands Regional Women’s meeting. It was being held in Leicester, my home branch, on the first Saturday of December and I was there more out of solidarity with my fellow branch members than any pressing […]

Posted in: Cuts, Women
Poll Tax: When Organised Mass Action Defeated the Tories
By 18/10/2012 Read More →

Poll Tax: When Organised Mass Action Defeated the Tories

Steve Score, former secretary, Leicestershire Anti-Poll Tax Federation The campaign against Thatcher’s poll tax is an example of how a mass movement can defeat a government. 18 million people, organised through the All-Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation, defied the law and refused to pay the tax. This not only forced the Tories to scrap it but […]

Posted in: Cuts, Organising
By 09/10/2012 Read More →

Don’t axe our ambulance services!

If you look at one of our local ambulances, you see the words “Arriva, in partnership with the NHS”. You might be mistaken for thinking that, out of a sense of community responsibility, the bus company has lent the NHS some vehicles for use. In fact, Arriva have bought out the East Midlands non-emergency ambulance […]

Ejecting G4S From Leicester Schools

In recent months the multi-national corporation G4S, formerly known as Group 4 Securicor, has become a household name because of it involvement in the Olympics security debacle, which has further increased public opposition to privatisation. So moving back a few years to July 2009, we might recall that the Leicester Mercury observed that this infamous […]

Posted in: Cuts, Education
HMRC Nursery Protest in Leicester

HMRC Nursery Protest in Leicester

  Yesterday, concerned parents and PCS union members took part in a lunchtime protest against the abrupt decision by HRMC management to terminate their contract with Nippers Nursery, a private sector nursery provider. Similar protests took place around the country with HMRC nursery’s also being axed in Manchester, Wolverhampton, Leeds; Nottingham, Blackburn, Cardiff, and Glasgow. […]

Posted in: Cuts
Save Glenfield children’s heart unit!
By 10/09/2012 Read More →

Save Glenfield children’s heart unit!

About a hundred and fifty people gathered at short notice on Saturday 8 September to show their opposition to the proposed closure of the children’s heart unit at Glenfield Hospital in Leicester. In a very noisy protest, cars hooted their support as the chanting protesters marched up and down Belgrave Road. The march was organised […]

Posted in: Cuts, Hospitals, NHS

Atos and the Ruling Class

According to their web site, “Atos is an international information technology services company with annual 2011 pro forma revenue of EUR 8.5 billion and 74,000 employees in 48 countries.” In addition to being major sponsors of the Paralympics, their UK business division, Atos Healthcare, “makes big profits out of removing disabled people from benefits through […]

Posted in: Cuts

The ATOS Games

Post written by Lucy Stokes Between 27th and 31st August 2012, Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC) have organized the ATOS Games, a week of protest actions against ATOS — a controversial company who are one of the major sponsors of the Paralympics. ATOS are currently in receipt of a £100 million contract from the government […]

Posted in: Cuts, Organising
By 23/08/2012 Read More →

Successful Occupation of Remploy Offices in Leicester

Today eight recently sacked Remploy workers and union reps occupied the company’s head office in Leicester in a bid to force a recalcitrant management to the table to discuss the ongoing attacks on disabled workers. After having no joy talking on the phone to Remploy executive director of finance Nigel Hopkins, the occupiers finally succeeded […]

Posted in: Cuts, GMB
National Shop Stewards Network – lobby of the TUC for a 24 hour general strike
By 22/08/2012 Read More →

National Shop Stewards Network – lobby of the TUC for a 24 hour general strike

The TUC are meeting for the annual conference in Brighton on the 9th September. The Socialist Party supports the call of the National Shop Stewards Network to put pressure on the trade unions to call a general strike against austerity. Transport details for an important lobby of the TUC to call a 24 hour general […]