
Caring For Profit

Public services should never be run for private profit; not prisons, not armed forces, nor education or healthcare. Nevertheless capitalist vultures pay no mind to such humane advice and are working hand-in-hand with political elites to undermine the hard-won gains of the working class. Taking his cue from New Labour, former Goldman Sachs merchant banker […]

Posted in: Cuts, Hospitals, NHS

Opposing Victimisation at Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station

Last year, after a long and vibrant fight against some of the world’s most powerful capitalists, militant rank-and-file members of Unite were able to defeat their bosses. In this sweet victory, electricians across the country had united and forced some of Britain’s largest construction and engineering companies to jettison their attempts to force workers to […]

Posted in: Cuts, Unite
By 22/07/2012 Read More →

Save Children’s Heart Units

“My daughter wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the heart unit at Glenfield Hospital”.  This was one of the comments made on Leicester Socialist Party stall campaigning against the closure of the local children’s heart unit. The government want to cut the number of specialist heart units in the country down from 11 to […]

Posted in: Cuts, Hospitals, NHS, Trade Unions

Launch of East Midlands Disabled People Against Cuts

Post written by Lucy Stokes On 30th June 2012 Disabled People Against the Cuts (DPAC) launched East Midlands Disabled People Against Cuts, with people from Nottingham, Northampton, Leicester and Market Harborough attending the meeting. The main speakers were Linda Burnip and Debbie Jolly, who cofounded DPAC. We talked about what activities to do in the […]

Posted in: Cuts, Organising

Join Remploy Strike Action in Leicester This Thursday

With the breathtaking announcement of the government’s plans to close or sell-off the 54 factories that provide employment for disabled workers, on the 19th and 26th of July disabled workers across the country will be taking strike action (from 6am onwards) to oppose the coalition’s brutal attacks on their livelihoods. Please join the Socialist Party […]

Factory Workers Oppose 2 Sisters Food Group in Carlisle

Guest post by Brent Kennedy (Socialist Party, Carlisle branch) Why make a lot of profit out of your workers when you can make a fortune out of them? That’s the greedy attitude of 2 Sisters Food Group towards their workers at Cavaghan & Gray in Carlisle. The company has increased its profits by a third, […]

Posted in: Cuts, Trade Unions

TUSC selects candidate in Lincoln East by-election

Lincoln Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition supporters have selected Nick Parker as the candidate for the Lincoln East by-election. The vacancy has arisen as a result of the national scandal which broke out after it was revealed that the sitting Tory councillor, Reverend Sara Cliff, had attended 19 meetings in the course of over 3 […]

Posted in: Cuts, Organising, TUSC
Dumping on Workers: SOVA’s (Ineffectual) Soma

Dumping on Workers: SOVA’s (Ineffectual) Soma

And if ever, by some unlucky chance, anything unpleasant should somehow happen, why, there’s always soma to give you a holiday from the facts. And there’s always soma to calm your anger, to reconcile you to your enemies, to make you patient and long-suffering. – Aldous Huxley, Brave New World. Humans like to help one […]

By 03/07/2012 Read More →

Latest on RF Brookes

RF Brookes workers in Leicester, members of BFAWU, the bakery workers union, have been taking discontinuous strike action in recent weeks against a vicious management who had announced 190 redundancies. At the same time, the bosses are reneging on the previously agreed redundancy package. Some workers, if they lose their jobs, also stand to lose […]

HMRC Staff Take Strike Action
By 25/06/2012 Read More →

HMRC Staff Take Strike Action

Today, hundreds of HM Revenue and Customs staff are taking part in strike action in Leicester. The action is part of the Public and Commercial Services Union’s sustained campaign to defend jobs and services, vital for tax justice, from cutbacks and privatisation. They join up to 55’000 other PCS members in HMRC taking action across […]