
Intensifying Exploitation and the Fightback at RF Brookes

Under capitalism, all that matters is profit… ever-increasing profits; with human welfare always relegated to the sidelines. Small businesses grow or die in this uncertain and highly competitive landscape, and those rare family businesses that manage to succeed in this hostile climate are considered prime targets for acquisition by profit-hungry corporations. RF Brookes factory in South Wigston, Leicester, is a case in point. Opening their first family-managed pie factory in 1957 in Warwickshire, RF Brookes soon upgraded to a premises in Leicester, and in the process became known as the best pie manufacturer in the Midlands.

Posted in: Cuts, Trade Unions, TUSC
Hundreds Maintain Vibrant Strike Action in Leicester

Hundreds Maintain Vibrant Strike Action in Leicester

Today five hundred workers at a food processing factory in Leicester took their third day of concerted strike action to oppose the unjust policies imposed upon them by their profit hungry management. Attacks on the workers based at RF Brookes factory, in South Wigston, unfortunately typify capitalist attempts to squeeze every last drop of profit […]

Posted in: Cuts, Trade Unions
By 10/05/2012 Read More →

Public Meeting – Stop the pensions robbery, the fight goes on!

Solidarity with UNITE, PCS and UCU members taking action on May 10th. Go down to a local picket line and give the strikers your support this morning. There will be a rally with speakers from striking unions at the Oddfellows Club on Humberstone Gate at 12 noon (this is not hosted by Leicester Socialist Party). Tuesday 15th May – […]

Oppose government attacks on benefit claimants.
By 12/04/2012 Read More →

Oppose government attacks on benefit claimants.

Lucy Stokes will be speaking on cuts to benefits at our next Leicester Socialist Party meeting, which is at 7pm, in The Globe pub (upstairs) Silver St, Tuesday April 27th. Benefit claimants have had to go through harsh medical assessments and a sea of red tape, courtesy of ATOS, the company which has administered the government’s […]

Posted in: Cuts
By 05/04/2012 Read More →

Vote Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC)

The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) is standing against all cuts to public services. Its candidates are ordinary working people and trade unionists. We stand for the millions, not the millionaires. Train driver and Rail, Maritime and Transport workers union president, Alex Gordon, appeals to Londoners to vote for TUSC in the forthcoming Greater […]

Save Our NHS – the fight goes on!

Leicester Socialist Party members attended a save the NHS public meeting called by the Labour MP Jon Ashworth. Over 250 people had turned up in attempt to save our National Health Service, to prevent further privatisation by multinational companies eager to exploit public services for profit. Ashworth had done a lot of work before the meeting and sent […]

Posted in: Cuts, Hospitals, NHS, Trade Unions
By 02/12/2011 Read More →

5th December – Public meeting – Fight till we win!

Socialist Party public meeting – Leicester University, 7.30pm, Tuesday 5th December. (Venue TBC, but likely to be Ken Edwards Building). On Wednesday around 3 million public service workers went on strike – the biggest day of action since 1926. In Leicester around 5000 trade unionists marched in one of the biggest rallies in the city for decades. […]

By 22/11/2011 Read More →

Support striking public sector workers on November 30th

Anger at the government’s attacks on pensions and public sector cuts have led to trade unions voting for the largest co-ordinated strike action in Britain since the general strike of 1926. 3-4 million public sector workers will be striking. We are not going to work until we are 68, or put up with cuts to vital […]

Riots in Leicester: Display of anger amongst young people

Riots in Leicester: Display of anger amongst young people

Yesterday afternoon in Leicester, shops closed early as police gathered on the streets in anticipation that the wave of anger shown across the country would arrive in the city. While a few groups of young people gathered around the clock tower, in Highfields the community centre held a meeting. They discussed how they should respond […]

Posted in: Cuts

UHL: making staff and patients pay!

University Hospital Leicester trust has come up with a ’10 point plan’ of cuts because it says it overspent by £8m on the first few months of this year. The trust is applying to become a Foundation Trust and also needs to make £158m worth of cuts over the next five years as a result […]