
Thousands March to Defend Glenfield Heart Centre

Thousands March to Defend Glenfield Heart Centre

“Do not be debilitated by those who tell you protests and marches don’t mean anything,” Unite General Secretary Len McCluskey told Glenfield Children’s Heart Unit campaigners. Despite snow and freezing temperatures, 2,000 people – including patients and their families, trade unionists and members of the public – took to the streets of Leicester on 11 […]

No Cuts, No Closures, Save Our NHS!
By 11/02/2017 Read More →

No Cuts, No Closures, Save Our NHS!

This following article was first published on the back page of the Socialist Party newspaper on 8th February. The NHS is in crisis. Hospitals cancelled a record number of urgent operations last year, mainly because of bed shortages. One in six A&E departments faces closure or downgrading because of NHS cuts. So you would think […]

Will Leicester City Council Listen to Adventure Playground Campaigners?

Will Leicester City Council Listen to Adventure Playground Campaigners?

Well over 100 campaigners, including parents and children, joined a lobby of Leicester City Council last Thursday to oppose cuts to adventure playground services across the city. Leicester’s adventure playgrounds are used by over 10,000 children citywide. They provide children and young people with supervised access to play, sports, and arts facilities, as well as […]

Posted in: Cuts, Leicester, Youth
Over One Thousand March to Save Glenfield Heart Unit

Over One Thousand March to Save Glenfield Heart Unit

More than one thousand people attended a march in Leicester today in opposition to the proposed closure of Glenfield Children’s Heart Unit. NHS England claim that the closure of Glenfield has nothing to do with budget cuts, but is about “standards and quality of service”. This is total rubbish. The Tories are planning to cut […]

Supporters of Leicester’s Adventure Playgrounds Say No To Funding Cuts

Supporters of Leicester’s Adventure Playgrounds Say No To Funding Cuts

Hundreds of frustrated people were forced to march around Leicester Town Hall earlier this afternoon shouting loudly that they refuse to let our Labour Council effectively close our city’s ten adventure playgrounds. Sarah Russell, who is Labour’s Assistant City Mayor for Children, Young People & Schools, spoke to ITV News and said: “We are really […]

Posted in: Cuts, Leicester, Students, Youth
Heart Unit Protestors Take to Belgrave Road in Pouring Rain

Heart Unit Protestors Take to Belgrave Road in Pouring Rain

The NHS is in crisis, and there can be little doubt that it is all because our government refuses to fund it properly. Estimates suggest there will be a £22 billion funding gap by 2020, while current proposed cuts already mean that local hospitals face losing £451 million from their annual budget, with the threatened […]

Posted in: Cuts, Leicester, NHS
Inadequate Academies

Inadequate Academies

By John Merrell The recent Ofsted report for Leicester schools stated three were “inadequate”: two run by the local authority, the third an academy. The two council schools are to become academies, a move unopposed by the Labour city council. The local Labour MP is Jon Ashworth, a member of Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow cabinet. Seven […]

Posted in: Cuts, Education, Leicester, NUT, TUSC
Striking to Defend Sixth Form Colleges

Striking to Defend Sixth Form Colleges

I went down to the picket line at one of the entrances to Leicester QE college. National Union of Teachers members were on strike against cuts by the government to sixth form college funding. The strike went ahead after a government attempt to stop it with legal action failed. As one supporter from the local […]

Lobby in Support of a No-Cuts Budget

Lobby in Support of a No-Cuts Budget

Earlier tonight a lobby was held outside of Leicester City Council’s annual budget setting meeting. The fifty-strong protest was supported by various trade unionists and anti-cuts campaigners from across the city. With the Labour Party dominating Leicester’s politics, the protestors were asking Labour councillors to oppose City Mayor Sir Peter Soulsby’s plans to carry through […]

Leicester Feminists Take to the Streets

Leicester Feminists Take to the Streets

On November 25, protestors took to the streets to “raise awareness and show solidarity with victims of sexual violence.” The event was attended by, amongst others, members of Leicester Young Feminists, the Fawcett Society, the Women’s Equality Party, and Leicester Socialist Students, although members of the community turned out in support. Before the march got […]

Posted in: Cuts, Leicester, Students, Women