
Fire Cuts Cost Lives

Fire Cuts Cost Lives

Leicester is facing some of the most severe cuts to the fire service in the country. You might be forgiven for thinking that we live under a Tory council, such is the scale of attacks on services in the city. However, the Labour mayor, Sir Peter Soulsby, who sits alongside a Tory as vice-chair of […]

Posted in: BFAWU, Cuts, FBU, Leicester
Join Saturday’s Protest Against Attacks Upon Leicestershire’s Fire Services

Join Saturday’s Protest Against Attacks Upon Leicestershire’s Fire Services

Campaigners are protesting in Leicester this weekend to demand an end to the political attacks on the funding of Leicestershire’s fire services. The event intends to send a clear message to all politicians that they should not play with fire when it comes to our lives. Protestors armed with banners and placards will be meeting […]

Posted in: Cuts, FBU, Leicester, Organising, TUSC
Anger and Protest Against Fire Service Cuts in Leicestershire

Anger and Protest Against Fire Service Cuts in Leicestershire

A protest was organised by Leicestershire FBU at the county fire authority HQ in opposition to devastating cuts announced. Unbelievably they propose closing Leicester Central Fire Station, responsible for around 1,300 to 1,600 call-outs in the city every year and Kibworth Fire Station, covering a wide rural location. The money for frontline jobs and services […]

Posted in: Cuts, FBU
Will Leicester Politicians Now Support Greek’s Historic No Vote

Will Leicester Politicians Now Support Greek’s Historic No Vote

On Sunday the people of Greece made their intentions clear by overwhelming rejecting austerity in their national referendum. The No campaign exceeded all expectations and stormed to victory, securing 61% of the popular vote. The Greek working class are showing that austerity can be resisted giving workers across Europe hope. Local TUSC candidate, Damon Gibbons, […]

Posted in: Cuts, International, TUSC
Fight Devastating Spending Cuts

Fight Devastating Spending Cuts

At this point, it just seems like a sick joke. The Tories swing the axe down again in their grim carnival of cuts. In this financial year alone the government wants £3 billion of cuts from ‘non-protected’ departments. First a March budget, now a surprise June budget. Closely followed by the July budget to detail […]

Posted in: Cuts
Mobilising For Action to Oppose Austerity

Mobilising For Action to Oppose Austerity

“First-Person article” that I got published in today’s Leicester Mercury. Pay cuts and misery for us… but pay rises and jollies for them? Then our leaders have the gall to repeat the lie that austerity and further public sector cuts are the only way we can save our economy. Yet if they were to collect […]

Cuts to Mental Health Funding Affect the Most Vulnerable

Cuts to Mental Health Funding Affect the Most Vulnerable

Mental health has long been seen by authorities as the “Cinderella” of the health service. It attracts relatively little funding because it is not visible and because people who suffer from mental health problems are less likely to be able to articulate their concerns. The cuts being passed on by my council in Leicester are […]

Posted in: Cuts, Leicester
Cllr Barbara Potter Proposes No-Cuts Amendment to Labour Council

Cllr Barbara Potter Proposes No-Cuts Amendment to Labour Council

Speech given by Cllr Barbara Potter on February 25, 2015 to the Labour City Council’s budget-setting meeting in support of Leicester Independent Councillors Against Cuts’ (LICAC) proposed no-cuts budget amendment. All the Labour councillors present voted to reject LICAC’s no-cuts amendment, and to accept a totally unnecessary cuts budget that will see £50+ million cut […]

Posted in: Cuts, Leicester, TUSC
Rebel Councillors Say Council Cuts Aren’t Necessary

Rebel Councillors Say Council Cuts Aren’t Necessary

Government attacks to local Council funding are having a disastrous effect on the people of Leicester. With £85 million having already been cut from the city’s finances over the past four years, two Councillors in Leicester aim to reverse this damaging trend. They say that the Council must stand its ground and refuse to implement […]

Davos Summit: ‘The pitchforks are coming!’

Davos Summit: ‘The pitchforks are coming!’

The annual World Economic Forum (WEF) was held in Davos, Switzerland, last week. A global elite of world leaders, intellectuals, philanthropists, entrepreneurs and representatives of big business gathered to focus their ‘talents’ on the most pressing issues in the world today. Inequality and poverty were high on the agenda. On the same day, Global Justice […]

Posted in: Cuts