
Belgrave Road Protest Highlights Labour’s Bankrupt Policy of Cuts

Belgrave Road Protest Highlights Labour’s Bankrupt Policy of Cuts

Around twenty people gathered earlier this afternoon outside a disused youth community centre on 72 Belgrave Road to voice their discontent with the Labour Council’s disregard for the needs of the local community. It seems that all of Leicester’s elected politicians (including Sir Peter) had been invited to attend the event, but only two bothered […]

The Struggle for Our Playgrounds Continues

The Struggle for Our Playgrounds Continues

At last weeks full Council meeting (on November 13) a small protest was organized by the workers and volunteers who run the cities adventure playgrounds. In the spirit of the protests organized last year, this was a polite bid to persuade Sir Peter Soulsby’s Council, or at least some of the Councillor’s under his antidemocratic […]

Leicester Council Hits Homeless Hostel

Leicester Council Hits Homeless Hostel

By Mark Gawthorpe, Leicester Socialist Party Wordsworth House, a Leicester homeless hostel which I was a resident of for just over a year, has lost its council funding and the right to house council homeless clients. This is because of new council funding rules supposedly designed to combat discrimination. To continue receiving funding Wordsworth House […]

Posted in: Cuts, Leicester, TUSC
Demonstrating for Strikes

Demonstrating for Strikes

National demos provide an excellent opportunity to meet up with local activists who are united in seeing the need to join the fight back against the cuts. Thus rising very very early this morning, the Leicester contingent joined tens of thousands of others in London on the “Britain Needs a Pay Rise” national rally. Marching in […]

Posted in: Cuts, Organising
Keep Hospital Services in the NHS

Keep Hospital Services in the NHS

The five board members in charge of Interserve, a private company which has taken charge of estates and facilities cleaning at three hospitals in Leicester, take home just under £3 million a year between them. The company took over the contract in January 2013, when 2,000 NHS staff transferred under a TUPE agreement – which […]

Regulating the Banks? Don’t Make Me Laugh!

Regulating the Banks? Don’t Make Me Laugh!

Deep in the heart of London, the world’s largest centre for international finance, bankers are quivering in fear. The cause of this state of affairs? Apparently, the Bank of England’s terrible threat to ‘claw back’ the bonuses of ‘badly-performing’ bankers. But can’t bonuses already be withdrawn up to five years after they’re awarded? Why yes, […]

Posted in: Cuts
NHS: No to Cuts!

NHS: No to Cuts!

The £200,000-a-year chief executive of University Hospitals Leicester, John Adler, is planning to cut maternity services at Leicester General Hospital, so that care for “low-risk pregnancies only” may be delivered at the hospital. He says that a full maternity service is not viable in the future. Also, intensive care will be reduced from the three […]

A Mayor Who Blows Millions

A Mayor Who Blows Millions

In Leicester we’ve spent £4 million on the Richard III centre, with a grand total of 14 jobs created… for which 400 people applied. Our illustrious mayor finds this “fascinating” and reckons this is down to it being an “interesting place to work”, according to the Leicester Mercury. Well, maybe it will be… The new […]

Posted in: Cuts, Leicester, TUSC
Report from the Picket Line in Leicester

Report from the Picket Line in Leicester

By Alex Morgan, Assistant Branch Secretary, PCS HMRC Leicester branch HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) members in the Midlands were on strike on Thursday 26 June as part of our rolling regional week of action in the jobs and staffing campaign. HMRC are refusing to consult meaningfully with the union on massive job cuts and privatisation […]

Posted in: Cuts, Leicester, PCS
Saving the NHS

Saving the NHS

Yesterday a successful meeting was organised by the Leicester Campaign Against NHS Privatization in the town centre to inform local residents about the ongoing attacks on the NHS. Critically, the meeting was convened to also consider what actions can be taken to safeguard public service values and the principles underpinning the NHS. The featured main […]

Posted in: Cuts, FBU, Leicester, NHS, Unite