
Cops Off Campus

Cops Off Campus

With recent events calling attention to the brutality rained down upon peaceful protesters by the police at the University of London, yesterday afternoon students and staff convened at the University of Leicester to support the second national ‘Cops Off Campus‘ day of action. Around 30 students marched through the campus, and then held a rally […]

Posted in: Cuts, Students, UCU, Unison, Unite
Labouring Over Evictions

Labouring Over Evictions

Last night local campaigners against the bedroom tax from the Community Unite trade union and the Anti-Bedroom Tax Federation paid a visit to the Labour-run City Council to encourage our political representatives to put their electorates needs before their all-too-willing desire to implement the Con-Dem’s cuts agenda. Hundreds of signatures had been collected from across […]

10,000 Cuts and Counting

10,000 Cuts and Counting

Yesterday around 50 protesters gathered by the Clock Tower in Leicester to remember those whose have died and those still suffering as a result of the Government’s assault on the vulnerable, most particularly the disabled. A number of people effected by the Government’s assault on the disabled gave moving testimony to the gathered crowd, on […]

The Alternative to Cuts!

The Alternative to Cuts!

According to a dull but informative report published in June by Her Majesty’s Treasury, the 2014-15 budget for the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) totaled £26.8 billion: that is £25.6 billion for local government and £1.2 billion for DCLG Communities. This official report, which was penned to justify cuts, then proudly announced that the Government […]

Posted in: Cuts, Leicester, TUSC
Labour Bullying with Playground Cuts

Labour Bullying with Playground Cuts

Leicester has nine amazing (if serially underfunded) adventure playgrounds spread out across our fine city, all of which provide vital services to our communities; providing nurturing and fun environments for our children in some of our most hard-done-by estates. Considering that all children can use these facilities for free, these essential public services come at […]

Posted in: Cuts, Leicester, Youth

Smashing Playgrounds Again!

Leicester City Council are in the midst of a budget-cut-frenzy; all of which are totally unnecessary mind you. Vital public services are being shredded by a Labour Council that cares more about punishing the vulnerable (be they homeless or disabled) than opposing the Government. Now they are out to destroy the lives of our city’s […]

Posted in: Cuts, Leicester, Youth
Bailiff-Busting on Braunstone Estate

Bailiff-Busting on Braunstone Estate

Yesterday, on the National Day of Action Against Austerity, protesters descended upon Braunstone estate in Leicester to demonstrate to the Labour Council that they would stand shoulder-to-shoulder to oppose the despised bedroom tax. The event was called as a joint initiative of Unite Community and the Leicestershire Anti-Bedroom Tax Federation in order to put extra […]

Firefighters on Strike: Report from the Picket Line

Firefighters on Strike: Report from the Picket Line

After two years of futile negotiations with a government firmly committed to torching public services, members the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) were finally pushed to take strike action today in an effort to ward off the vicious vendetta the government is pursuing against the public. In this instance, firefighters across the country went on the […]

Challenging the Bedroom Tax
By 13/09/2013 Read More →

Challenging the Bedroom Tax

Members of the Leicestershire Anti- Bedroom Tax Federation and the UNITE Community trade union who went to Leicester City Council’s Housing Scrutiny Commission last night felt that they had some success. Andy Connolly, Assistant City Mayor responsible for Housing, and a number of councillors on the commission said that they would be prepared to consider […]

Uplands Junior School Strikes Again
By 05/09/2013 Read More →

Uplands Junior School Strikes Again

Support staff, members of GMB and UNISON at an inner city school in Leicester took strike action on 4 September against plans to halve the number of Teaching Assistants. Last term there were three days of strike action by teachers in the NUT at Uplands Junior School. These were over grievances against the head teacher […]