Archive for December, 2013

Firefighter Action

Firefighter Action

Firefighters in England and Wales took strike action for the fifth and sixth times this weekend, between 6pm and 10pm on both Friday 13 and Saturday 14 December. Matt Wrack, Fire Brigades Union (FBU) General Secretary, said: “It’s now been almost two months since the government has been willing to meet for negotiations despite several […]

United to Oppose the Cuts

United to Oppose the Cuts

By Heather Rawling (a report back on Thursday’s Leicestershire Against the Cuts meeting) Food banks are one of the biggest growing areas in the voluntary sector in Leicester. These are a direct result of the policies of the Com-Dem Government and the failure of Leicester City Labour Council to stand up and defend the services and […]

Posted in: Cuts, Organising
Cops Off Campus

Cops Off Campus

With recent events calling attention to the brutality rained down upon peaceful protesters by the police at the University of London, yesterday afternoon students and staff convened at the University of Leicester to support the second national ‘Cops Off Campus‘ day of action. Around 30 students marched through the campus, and then held a rally […]

Posted in: Cuts, Students, UCU, Unison, Unite
Labouring Over Evictions

Labouring Over Evictions

Last night local campaigners against the bedroom tax from the Community Unite trade union and the Anti-Bedroom Tax Federation paid a visit to the Labour-run City Council to encourage our political representatives to put their electorates needs before their all-too-willing desire to implement the Con-Dem’s cuts agenda. Hundreds of signatures had been collected from across […]

10,000 Cuts and Counting

10,000 Cuts and Counting

Yesterday around 50 protesters gathered by the Clock Tower in Leicester to remember those whose have died and those still suffering as a result of the Government’s assault on the vulnerable, most particularly the disabled. A number of people effected by the Government’s assault on the disabled gave moving testimony to the gathered crowd, on […]

Universities on Strike

Universities on Strike

Today university staff across the country took their second day of united strike action. The three unions taking strike action had met on Monday 21st October with the pay negotiators, UCEA, but sadly the outcome of this meeting was not positive, as although the employers side were prepared to have further meetings with the unions, […]