Archive for May, 2015

TUSC Shows Support for NHS Campaigners

TUSC Shows Support for NHS Campaigners

When looking through some old copies of the Leicester Mercury I came across this article that I hadn’t previously seen which was published in the paper last month, on Wednesday 29th April.

Posted in: Leicester, NHS, Organising, TUSC
Cuts to Mental Health Funding Affect the Most Vulnerable

Cuts to Mental Health Funding Affect the Most Vulnerable

Mental health has long been seen by authorities as the “Cinderella” of the health service. It attracts relatively little funding because it is not visible and because people who suffer from mental health problems are less likely to be able to articulate their concerns. The cuts being passed on by my council in Leicester are […]

Posted in: Cuts, Leicester
A Working Class Alternative in Turkey

A Working Class Alternative in Turkey

With the Turkish elections fast approaching on June 7, Dave Nellist, the national Chair of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) sends the following message in solidarity with the Peoples’ Democratic Party (Halkların Demokratik Partisi – HDP): Across the world the political representatives of the rich multinational companies and bankers have attempted to force […]

Posted in: Elections, Turkey, TUSC
A LUSH Political Debate

A LUSH Political Debate

Britain is a nation of animal lovers, they say – so it is surprising that events like the one above, where candidates were asked questions on their party’s stance on animal rights, are not more common. Animal rights was hardly mentioned in the mainstream media during this election campaign. From left to right above are […]

Posted in: Elections, Greens, Leicester, TUSC
Leicester Manifesto Launched

Leicester Manifesto Launched

Leicester Independent Councillors Against Cuts (LICAC) say they would keep the promises they have made to the city and oppose all cuts to public services. This is the same pledge made by all 135 parliamentary candidates standing for Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC), the coalition of which LICAC is a member, across the country. […]

Posted in: Elections, Leicester, TUSC
Leicester’s Three TUSC Parliamentary Candidates Issue Challenge to Other Parties

Leicester’s Three TUSC Parliamentary Candidates Issue Challenge to Other Parties

The publication of the Sunday Times Rich List just last weekend once again highlighted the growing gap that exists between the super-rich and the majority of the people of Leicester. The Rich List highlights how over the last year the richest 1,000 people have seen a £28 billion rise in the wealth they control. Heather […]

A Celebration of Working-Class History

A Celebration of Working-Class History

May Day is celebrated as a day of international solidarity between workers and the oppressed around the globe. So earlier today I was happy to participate in the annual May Day rally and march here in Leicester.   A number of excellent speakers addressed the rally in the city centre, but with the elections looming […]