By 06/11/2013

Bailiff-Busting on Braunstone Estate


Yesterday, on the National Day of Action Against Austerity, protesters descended upon Braunstone estate in Leicester to demonstrate to the Labour Council that they would stand shoulder-to-shoulder to oppose the despised bedroom tax.

The event was called as a joint initiative of Unite Community and the Leicestershire Anti-Bedroom Tax Federation in order to put extra pressure upon a recalcitrant Labour Council so that they may adopt a non-eviction policy with regard to all residents who fall into arrears over the bedroom tax.

The Labour Party has already agreed that they would repeal the tax if elected, therefore it is beyond belief that Labour-controlled Council’s across the country still refuse to make even the most minimal commitment to opposing the tax, that is by promising not to evict some of their poorest and most impoverished citizens.

The defiant protest organised yesterday in pouring rain served to demonstrate how people will mobilise in defence of their communities if the Council continues down the eviction pathway.

Through patient work speaking to people door-to-door across the estate a phone-tree has been created and is being extended week-by-week. This network of people willing to put their bodies between their community and bailiffs will then be mobilized at short-notice to put peacefully resist any attempts at eviction by blockading threatened homes.


Although the Leicestershire Anti-Bedroom Tax Federation is not yet aware of any impending evictions due to the bedroom tax, the practice protest they organised served to illustrate how evictions will be stopped if the Council continues to refuse to consider the best interests of their electorate.

To date the growing anti-bedroom tax campaign has also collected over 1,000 signatures of Leicester residents who call on the Council to implement a non-eviction policy, and this well-supported petition will be handed in to the Council in the coming weeks.

If you have not yet signed the petition then please do so here.


Related article: Adam Ford, “Merseyside activists face down thieving bailiffs,” Infantile Disorder, July 31, 2013.

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