By 22/11/2011

Support striking public sector workers on November 30th

Anger at the government’s attacks on pensions and public sector cuts have led to trade unions voting for the largest co-ordinated strike action in Britain since the general strike of 1926. 3-4 million public sector workers will be striking. We are not going to work until we are 68, or put up with cuts to vital services.

Unions on strike include UNISON, UNITE, GMB, the teachers’ unions and civil service unions. The National Shop Stewards Network has played an important role in lobbying the TUC to call for the public sector general strike in the first place.

Leicester Socialist Party will be supporting striking workers by offering solidarity on local picket lines from 7am and joining in the march and rally from High St to the Athena (assemble 11am outside the Orange Tree on Wednesday 30th). We will be marching in the Leicestershire Against The Cuts contingent.

Get involved

There is a joint trade union public meeting on 22nd November at the Adult Education Centre, Wellington St, 7.30pm.

Our usual branch meeting has been postponed to Wednesday 23rd November at the Turkey Café, Granby St, 7.30pm and the following Tuesday (29th November, 7.30pm) there will be an organising meeting to plan action on the 30th.

Leicestershire Against The Cuts are hosting an interactive meeting on Saturday 10th December to discuss the way forward for the campaign after November 30th. This will be held at the Adult Education Centre, Wellington St from 11am.

All welcome.

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