
Socialists Still Fighting For a No-Cuts Budget in Leicester

Socialists Still Fighting For a No-Cuts Budget in Leicester

“We’ll use cash reserves to set a no cuts budget” was the Leicester Mercury headline when they reported our manifesto for the Leicester Mayoral and city council elections. The article went on to say that using reserves was “necessary in order to build a campaign to get the money from the Government we need for […]

Posted in: Cuts, Elections, Leicester, TUC, Unison
Socialist Alternative Mayoral Candidate Explains Why Leicester Needs a Mass Movement to End Austerity

Socialist Alternative Mayoral Candidate Explains Why Leicester Needs a Mass Movement to End Austerity

With just 5 days until polling begins, Leicester Socialist Party hosted a public meeting earlier this afternoon to spell out our plan to fight all cuts if we are elected to city council. The meeting was wide-ranging, covering topics from cuts to local services, addressing the mental health crisis in our schools, the NHS, and […]

Posted in: Elections, Leicester
Leicester Socialist Party Election Manifesto

Leicester Socialist Party Election Manifesto

On Friday 19 April Leicester Socialist Party candidates gathered outside the Town hall to launch their local election manifesto for the city. A copy of the manifesto can be founded online here, SP Manifesto 2019 The Key pledges in the document are: We will make no cuts in Leicester’s services by using reserves and borrowing […]

Posted in: Elections, Leicester
Devastating 62% Cuts in Leicester: Vote for Socialist Mayor and Council Candidates

Devastating 62% Cuts in Leicester: Vote for Socialist Mayor and Council Candidates

By Steve Score, former chair Save Glenfield Children’s Heart Centre and Leicester Socialist Party mayoral candidate In Leicester, spending on all council services, excluding social care, has been slashed by no less than 62% in ten years. This has had a devastating effect. Cuts have particularly hit the most vulnerable. When homelessness has been rocketing, […]

Posted in: Cuts, Elections, Leicester
Socialists Candidate for Mayor Would Live on Average Wage

Socialists Candidate for Mayor Would Live on Average Wage

Steve Score, Socialist Party candidate in the city mayoral elections has pledged to only live on the wage of an average Leicester worker if elected. The city mayor takes home over £70,000 at the moment. The current basic allowance for every council member is £10,556 and the city mayor has a ‘special responsibility allowance’ on […]

Socialists to Challenge Peter Soulsby for Mayor

Socialists to Challenge Peter Soulsby for Mayor

Leicester Socialist Party has announced it has selected Steve Score, local campaigner, to stand in May’s Mayoral elections. Steve chaired the successful Save Glenfield Children’s Heart Centre campaign and continues to be involved in local campaigning around defending the NHS. He has a long record in Leicester of fighting government and local cuts in services. […]

How We Can Get Rid of the Tories

How We Can Get Rid of the Tories

A speech to Leicester Socialist Party public meeting (2/2/19) The Socialist Party campaigned in the EU referendum to leave the EU. Our slogan was to “vote OUT the Tories”. Correctly, we predicted that a leave vote would cause a crisis for the ruling party of capitalism, and would undercut support for the far-right. We also […]

Posted in: Elections, Organising, TUSC
“Let’s hope that June is the end of May.”

“Let’s hope that June is the end of May.”

GUEST POST: This following letter was authored by one of Leicester’s former TUSC councillors, Wayne Naylor, and was sent to the Leicester Mercury mailbox in late May and was not published by the newspaper.   As the election comes closer and politics is ever more in turmoil, it’s worth looking at why changes happen. Previously, myself […]

Posted in: Elections, Leicester, TUSC
Death by a Thousand Cuts: Disability in the Age of Austerity and Why Corbyn Must Win

Death by a Thousand Cuts: Disability in the Age of Austerity and Why Corbyn Must Win

This article has been written by an anonymous Socialist Party member It isn’t news to anyone that the Tory government, and the previous coalition, have ruthlessly attacked the disabled in this country. The Tories continue to put the ‘n’ in cuts as support structures and welfare are stripped away from the most vulnerable in our […]

Fighting for a Corbyn-led Government

Fighting for a Corbyn-led Government

Under plans unveiled in the Tories’ manifesto, free lunches for infant school students will be scrapped. They were introduced under the Con-Dem government to draw attention away from its package of school cuts. These cuts have just got worse, to the point where our schools are reaching breaking point – and now this concession is […]

Posted in: Elections, NUT, Students