Recent Articles
Fighting for a Corbyn-led Government
Under plans unveiled in the Tories’ manifesto, free lunches for infant school students will be scrapped. They were introduced under the Con-Dem government to draw attention away from its package of school cuts. These cuts have just got worse, to the point where our schools are reaching breaking point – and now this concession is […]
Argos Refuse to Play Fair or Talk, So Workers Strike
When Socialist Party members from Leicester visited the picket line at the huge Argos warehouse in Magna Park, Lutterworth we were greeted with dozens of red Unite the Union flags and a union gazebo. For the two week strike they are maintaining a busy 24 hour picket line; you could sense the solidarity and strength […]
Kick Out the Tories!
“The Conservative Party has always been the true party of workers,” claims Theresa May. What a joke! Try telling that to the millions of workers living on poverty pay, in precarious employment. Tell it to the nurses who outrageously can’t afford to feed themselves without help from food banks. Tell it to the public sector […]
Overflowing Corbyn Rally in Leicester
On 6 May Jeremy Corbyn held a rally in Leicester. Labour had booked a large meeting room at the Tigers Stadium, holding 800 people. The room was packed full, with people standing at the back. Outside, people who didn’t get in started chanting: “Let us in! Let us in!” Inside, the anticipation was high, and […]
If Corbyn Shows Fight, He Can Win
The following letter was published in today’s issue of the Leicester Mercury. With the announcement of a snap general election earlier this week, it seems the time is up for the Blairite plotters. Labour will head into a general election with a socialist at the helm! The main reason a general election has been called […]
NHS: Protest, Strike, Occupy to Win!
“Whose NHS? OUR NHS!” It belongs to us, and we won’t let them take it away. More than 100,000 people chanted this clear message to the government on the 4 March demonstration. That was just the start. The Tories might be hell-bent on slashing, trashing and privatising our NHS, but they are going to have […]
“If it ain’t broke why fix it?” Say Glenfield Campaigners
“Can you imagine how we feel knowing that our precious daughter could have to travel for hours in an emergency situation to get to life saving surgery when she may not have hours? IF YOU GO AHEAD WITH YOUR PROPOSAL CHILDREN WILL DIE, ITS A SIMPLE AS THAT. How can that ever be an acceptable […]
Leicester Campaigners Join Massive Protest in London to Defend NHS
An estimated 250,000 people joined a demonstration in London yesterday to save the NHS, making it the largest of its kind in history. And the Save Glenfield campaigners were there in force! More than 100 activists from Leicester, including many involved with the Save Glenfield Heart Centre group, attended the demonstration – supported by PCS […]
Unison Calls Upon Leicester’s Labour Council to Set a Legal “No Cuts” Budget
Leicester is a city dominated by Labour, with a Lib-Dem/Tory opposition group composed of just two councillors. However, like all other Labour Council’s up and down the country our city has been busy passing on Tory cuts with gusto (and crocodile tears). In the latest phase of cuts (“savings”) the axe is being swung down […]
Rushey Mead Are Not Taking Library Cuts Laying Down!
Interrupted only by an enthusiastic jump in the air, one small child explained why she had joined yesterday’s protest: “I want to save our library, because otherwise nobody can read books and get knowledge.” But she wasn’t alone, young and old alike took to the streets on Saturday afternoon to protest against ongoing attacks on […]