Recent Articles
Women: Fight for Equality, Fight for Socialism
It’s hard to believe that in the 1990s, articles were appearing asking: “Is the future female?” and “Are we witnessing a genderquake?” Leading bourgeois feminists like Naomi Wolf in her book Fire with Fire argued: “Men are seeing their empire crumble. Their world is indeed dying. We must understand that we are in the final […]
“What do we want? An End to War. When do we want it? NOW!”
VOTE UPDATE: Jon Ashworth voted to oppose bombing, while Keith Vaz and Liz Kendall voted in favouring of bombing Syria. David Cameron’s attempt to rush through a vote to start bombing Syria was met with significant opposition from Leicester’s diverse communities today, when, at spectacularly short notice, over 200 people took to the street to […]
Leicester Fights Climate Change
The massive and growing threats posed to human life by global warming are critical issues that must be addressed. This is why hundreds of concerned citizens marched through Leicester earlier today — to demand that our government take meaningful action in the forthcoming climate negociations which start later this month in Paris. Today’s protest was, […]
Leicester Feminists Take to the Streets
On November 25, protestors took to the streets to “raise awareness and show solidarity with victims of sexual violence.” The event was attended by, amongst others, members of Leicester Young Feminists, the Fawcett Society, the Women’s Equality Party, and Leicester Socialist Students, although members of the community turned out in support. Before the march got […]
Fire Cuts Cost Lives
Leicester is facing some of the most severe cuts to the fire service in the country. You might be forgiven for thinking that we live under a Tory council, such is the scale of attacks on services in the city. However, the Labour mayor, Sir Peter Soulsby, who sits alongside a Tory as vice-chair of […]
Join Saturday’s Protest Against Attacks Upon Leicestershire’s Fire Services
Campaigners are protesting in Leicester this weekend to demand an end to the political attacks on the funding of Leicestershire’s fire services. The event intends to send a clear message to all politicians that they should not play with fire when it comes to our lives. Protestors armed with banners and placards will be meeting […]
Scrap the Tampon Tax!
The menstrual cycle is not usually a topic of choice in the mainstream media. More it is regarded as an embarrassing secret for women to hide from the rest of society. However, the topic was forced when Labour MP Paula Sherriff challenged the “tampon tax” in parliament. Introduced in the 1970s, the tax declares tampons […]
TUSC Supports Jeremy Corbyn in Opposing Austerity in Leicester
On October 5 the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) hosted a well-attended public meeting in Leicester city centre. Around 40 people turned out to discuss the effect that Jeremy Corbyn’s election as Labour Party’s new leader will have on building resistance to Tory austerity. Former Labour councillor, Wayne Naylor, spoke passionately at the meeting, […]
Anger and Protest Against Fire Service Cuts in Leicestershire
A protest was organised by Leicestershire FBU at the county fire authority HQ in opposition to devastating cuts announced. Unbelievably they propose closing Leicester Central Fire Station, responsible for around 1,300 to 1,600 call-outs in the city every year and Kibworth Fire Station, covering a wide rural location. The money for frontline jobs and services […]
Ministry of Justice : Stop this Privatisation Scandal!
Tory hatchet man and Minister for ‘Justice’ Michael Gove, last seen terrorising the education system, is now at the centre of the looming privatisation of court fine collection. Aggressive American outsourcing giant Concentrix is currently the only bidder for the £675m contract, work currently undertaken in-house by the National Compliance Enforcement Service (NCES). The contract […]