Recent Articles
Devastating 62% Cuts in Leicester: Vote for Socialist Mayor and Council Candidates
By Steve Score, former chair Save Glenfield Children’s Heart Centre and Leicester Socialist Party mayoral candidate In Leicester, spending on all council services, excluding social care, has been slashed by no less than 62% in ten years. This has had a devastating effect. Cuts have particularly hit the most vulnerable. When homelessness has been rocketing, […]
NHS Staff Shortage Now Permanent: Reverse Health Cuts!
Our NHS is in crisis. Unless there is a major change, there’s no end in sight for the serious shortage of GPs. A new report by The Kings Fund, Nuffield Trust and Health Foundation think tanks finds that we need at least 3,000 more GPs by 2024 just to keep up with population growth. But […]
Oil Firms Spend $1bn Fighting Climate Laws: ‘Green New Deal’ Needs Socialist Policies
The world’s top five oil and gas companies have spent $1 billion since the 2015 Paris climate agreement on lobbying and PR to obstruct policies addressing climate change. Meanwhile, youth climate strikes continue to spread. Climate NGO InfluenceMap revealed that ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, BP and Total spend a total of $195 million a year on […]
Socialists Candidate for Mayor Would Live on Average Wage
Steve Score, Socialist Party candidate in the city mayoral elections has pledged to only live on the wage of an average Leicester worker if elected. The city mayor takes home over £70,000 at the moment. The current basic allowance for every council member is £10,556 and the city mayor has a ‘special responsibility allowance’ on […]
Leicester Socialist Party Member Debates EU With Labour Parliamentary Candidates
Tom Barker, of Leicester Socialist Party put the case for a socialist Brexit at an EU debate on Thursday, organised by Leicester Young Labour. Blairite MP Liz Kendall and Rory Palmer MEP were due to speak, but unfortunately both backed out at the last minute. However, the Labour Parliamentary candidates for Loughborough and Nuneaton (Stuart Brady […]
Stop Cuts to Women’s Services in Leicester
Women’s Lives Matter meeting 23 people attended Leicester Socialist Party’s public meeting on ‘Women’s Lives Matter’ on 16 March. Socialist Party member Heather Rawling spoke about the impact of austerity on women’s services and the double oppression that working-class women face under capitalism. Steve Score, Leicester mayoral candidate for the Socialist Party, raised how we […]
Climate Change Strike in Leicester
On the 15th March school students from all around the country went on strike against climate change. In Leicester, over a hundred 11-18-year olds came, which is more than twice as many as were at the last protest. Students protested at the Clock Tower, then marched to Jubilee Square. When we got there a student […]
Demanding An End to All Council Cuts in Leicester
On Wednesday February 20, Leicester’s Labour City Council once again voted through a series of further massive cuts to local spending. In opposition to this appalling behaviour, the Leicester Socialist Party helped organise a lobby of the budget-setting meeting, where we called upon our Labour Council to launch a fight back against all cuts. For […]
Leicester College Pay Strike Goes On
After their successful one-day strike on 6 February, staff from both sites at WQE college in Leicester struck again on 13-14 February. The workers are striking to protect pay and conditions and achieve parity between both sites after a recent merger. Picketing is not easy, with several entrances to cover, but there were plenty of […]
Socialists to Challenge Peter Soulsby for Mayor
Leicester Socialist Party has announced it has selected Steve Score, local campaigner, to stand in May’s Mayoral elections. Steve chaired the successful Save Glenfield Children’s Heart Centre campaign and continues to be involved in local campaigning around defending the NHS. He has a long record in Leicester of fighting government and local cuts in services. […]