Recent Articles
Keep Hospital Services in the NHS
The five board members in charge of Interserve, a private company which has taken charge of estates and facilities cleaning at three hospitals in Leicester, take home just under £3 million a year between them. The company took over the contract in January 2013, when 2,000 NHS staff transferred under a TUPE agreement – which […]
Striking For Health!
Today marked a great start to NHS workers efforts to prevent the ongoing running into the ground of our country’s vital and unique health services. After 30 years of refusing to take strike action, workers across the country took a momentous step this morning by striking for four hours in their campaign for fair pay. […]
Solidarity With Kobane
Following massive protests in London, more than hundred people gathered in Leicester city centre earlier this afternoon to call for an end to imperialist violence. Organized by the local Kurdish community, today’s rally aimed to call attention to the nightmare being inflicted upon Syrian Kurds, most particularly in the town of Kobane, which for some […]
Fighting Disability Discrimination
On October 1st I was invited by pupils of Jame’Ah Girls Academy in Leicester to talk about disability rights and discrimination at an event called “Years Of Struggle.” Seventy pupils aged from eleven to sixteen were in attendance. Firstly we talked about people’s perceptions and stereotypes- the things that come to mind upon hearing the […]
No to Imperialist War
Air strikes will not stop sectarian violence in Iraq. Unite for a programme to end the perpetual cycle of war, each time fighting horrors unleashed by previous conflict. The UK mainstream parties seem to have learned absolutely nothing from past mistakes. In the recent parliamentary vote, all overwhelmingly backed air strikes on Islamic State (IS) […]
Ready to Strike!
We’ve had our pay frozen in the civil service for the past four years. Workers everywhere are being degraded and humiliated, despite workload increasing through the roof. I know I have never felt so undervalued. On top of this, our manager recently announced a month of ‘treasure hunts’ around Leicester to promote health and wellbeing. […]
Building the Alternative to Mainstream Politics
Today in the searing September sun in Birmingham, around 1,000 trade unionists and activists from across the region rallied in defiance of the attacks on the working class being hatched within the Tory Party’s annual conference. Unfortunately the Labour Party does nothing to distinguish themselves from our Tory class enemies, and after attending Labour’s conference […]
Opposition Councillors Accuse Labour of Making Un-Necessary Cuts
Last Thursday (September 18) was a busy day in Leicester, especially for those organising opposition to the government’s relentless attacks on the working class. First, the Fire Brigades Union (FBU), as part of a national tour to publicise their fight against cuts, spoke to a rally on Humberstone Gate to highlight the necessity for united […]
Academies Scandal: Privatisation Leads to Nepotism and Profit Making
By Simon Robinson, Leicester NUT member The Socialist (issue 782) previously reported on a campaign to stop Rushey Mead in Leicester becoming an academy. The school management has never given clear reasons why an academy would benefit anyone involved in the school. But despite a strong campaign, we left for our summer break expecting that […]
Scotland Revolts Against Austerity
Scotland has voted “No” – while it is a pity that it is Salmond and not Cameron who is out of a job at the moment, there is still grounds for optimism. Whatever the result – we would still have to fight against austerity, be it from the SNP in Scotland, the Tories in Westminster, […]