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Ending ISIS Terror

Ending ISIS Terror

In 2003, millions marched in outrage to oppose the Labour Party’s so-called “war on terror.” Yet despite an overwhelming display of global public oppositio,  the vile war on Iraq still took place — further cementing into history the unwillingness of mainstream politicians to align their policies with the demands of their electorate. As a direct […]

Regulating the Banks? Don’t Make Me Laugh!

Regulating the Banks? Don’t Make Me Laugh!

Deep in the heart of London, the world’s largest centre for international finance, bankers are quivering in fear. The cause of this state of affairs? Apparently, the Bank of England’s terrible threat to ‘claw back’ the bonuses of ‘badly-performing’ bankers. But can’t bonuses already be withdrawn up to five years after they’re awarded? Why yes, […]

NHS: No to Cuts!

NHS: No to Cuts!

The £200,000-a-year chief executive of University Hospitals Leicester, John Adler, is planning to cut maternity services at Leicester General Hospital, so that care for “low-risk pregnancies only” may be delivered at the hospital. He says that a full maternity service is not viable in the future. Also, intensive care will be reduced from the three […]

Striking Changes for Leicester

Striking Changes for Leicester

Driving around for a parking place, you could sense that today was going to be different. There were picket lines everywhere! Changes are afoot in Leicester. Two ex Labour councillors, Wayne Naylor and Barbara Potter have joined TUSC and pledged to fight all cuts. In contrast to Labour mayor Pete Soulsby who is slashing services […]

Workers of Leicester Unite!

Workers of Leicester Unite!

Today was a proud day for Leicester as a thousand plus people came together in the centre of town to show their vocal opposition to the ongoing public sector pay freeze. Many thousands more workers from the region also took part in this industrial action, making a stellar contribution to today’s united effort that successfully […]

Rebel Councillors Join TUSC in Leicester

Rebel Councillors Join TUSC in Leicester

History was made in Leicester last night. At a packed meeting in the Town Hall, around forty people came together to welcome two councillors who recently resigned from the Labour Party to work in alliance with the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC). Councillors Barbara Potter (Humberstone/ Hamilton ward) and Wayne Naylor (Braunstone ward) voiced […]

Another Strike for Argos at Magna Park

Another Strike for Argos at Magna Park

On Friday 4 July UNITE members in 5 Argos distribution depots took their second day of strike action to oppose attacks on their terms and conditions. Management are trying to force through 12 changes, including compulsory changes to their shift pattern which will affect the work-life balance of workers, especially those with families. Some workers […]

A Mayor Who Blows Millions

A Mayor Who Blows Millions

In Leicester we’ve spent £4 million on the Richard III centre, with a grand total of 14 jobs created… for which 400 people applied. Our illustrious mayor finds this “fascinating” and reckons this is down to it being an “interesting place to work”, according to the Leicester Mercury. Well, maybe it will be… The new […]

Locked-Out at Northampton General Hospital!

Locked-Out at Northampton General Hospital!

Seventy-eight  UNITE union members in the Pathology department at Northampton General Hospital have been locked out of work by a vicious management. Since 26 July they have maintained a protest outside the hospital. Steve Score went down to support the protest and spoke to Terry Lodge, lead UNITE rep at the hospital who works in […]

Report from the Picket Line in Leicester

Report from the Picket Line in Leicester

By Alex Morgan, Assistant Branch Secretary, PCS HMRC Leicester branch HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) members in the Midlands were on strike on Thursday 26 June as part of our rolling regional week of action in the jobs and staffing campaign. HMRC are refusing to consult meaningfully with the union on massive job cuts and privatisation […]