Recent Articles
Muddled Thinking on Anti-Semitism
Capitalist Labour MPs like Liz Kendall just can’t keep themselves from plotting and scheming against socialists. Earlier this month Kendall retweeted a vile anti-Corbyn attack piece that had been published in the Evening Standard by her right-wing Blairite friend, Ian Austin, the Labour MP for Dudley North. Austin, in a fit of capitalist rage, alleged […]
Labour Council Gives £10 million ‘helping hand’ to Travelodge
You know how it is: you’ve got a few bob lying around in bank accounts earning a measly 0.5% interest. If only it could be put to better use and earn a decent rate of return. Suddenly you have a light-bulb moment – so beloved by New Labour – give a helping hand to big […]
If We Fight, We Can Win! Lessons From Two NHS Campaign Victories
“If we fight, we can win!” is the title of our just-published full-colour pamphlet (July 2018), which provides detailed analyses of two successful NHS campaigns. Covering 30 pages, you can read about how the Glenfield Heart Unit was saved and how a neurological ward at Mansfield Community Hospital was also recently saved from Tory cuts. […]
Austerity in Schools: “I can’t give you a new book, we don’t have enough”
By Bethany Morgan Smith, school student, Leicester West Socialist Party At my school, students and teachers are desperate for resources. We barely have enough pens and glue sticks so we have to take turns to use three glue sticks that have already been overused. In history, I asked for a new exercise book because I […]
NHS: Underfunded, Under Attack
Surprise, surprise. Theresa May’s so-called birthday pre-sent to the NHS – an extra £20 billion a year by 2023 – isn’t quite the generous gesture that it seems. In fact, it’s hopelessly inadequate. So much so, that hot on the heels of this promise comes the announcement that 17 procedures currently available on the NHS […]
Lessons From the McDonald’s Strike: Make the Bosses Burger-off by Joining the NSSN
Last September McDonald’s workers took strike action at two of the food giants stores, and in doing so made history. This was the first time that McDonald’s workers had ever taken strike action in Britain. Since then many more people have joined the Baker’s Union which is presently campaigning to organise all McDonalds’ staff by […]
City Vultures Make Millions from Carillion Chaos
The collapse of the building giant Carillion may have caused chaos, but it hasn’t been bad for everyone involved. It transpires that some are set to benefit from the company’s liquidation. Accountancy firms and lawyers will be making a killing, raking in some £70 million in fees. And who’s footing the bill for the disaster? […]
Fighting for Equal Pay Today
“The gender pay gap for full-time workers is entirely in favour of men for all occupations”. This is the first line of a report from the Office for National Statistics on the results of the governments’ gender pay gap survey, released earlier this year. Since 1970 and the passing of the Equal Pay Act into […]
The NHS Cannot Afford Capitalism
Reporting from across the pond, the liberal New York Times published a lengthy article on 28 May on the horrors the Tories have inflicted on working and middle class people in Britain. “After eight years of budget cutting,” it begins, “Britain is looking less like the rest of Europe and more like the United States, […]
The Trade Union Movement Must Fight for Justice for Leicester’s Super-Exploited Garment Workers
The full effects of Tory policies both economic and social are being felt in Leicester, as sweatshop conditions and shocking illegal levels of pay persist in 2018 – and the “hostile environment” migration policy means it’s harder than ever for workers to fight back. A recent Financial Times article shed new light on an issue […]