Recent Articles
Bosses Predict 217 Years to Close Gender Pay Gap… Workers’ Struggle Can Close it Now!
It will now take 217 years before women earn the same as men, according to the World Economic Forum. Even this estimation is a whopping 47 years longer than it predicted last year! This is the first time these figures have shown the situation is going backwards. Perhaps unsurprising – as today’s generation is also […]
The Need for a United Fight-back Against Tory Austerity
“Huge issues are facing the trade union movement today,” explained Linda Taaffe earlier today in Birmingham in her role as the Secretary of the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN); at a gathering of activist trade unionists coming together in a city playing host to an important industrial faceoff between their bin workers and their Labour-run […]
Uprising to Save the NHS!
An NHS ‘uprising’ took place in Grantham, Lincolnshire, on Saturday 14 October! A determined 800-strong demonstration wound its way through the town. People are fighting against the night time closure of Grantham A&E and the systematic downgrading of services in their local hospital. But this was more than just about Grantham A&E. Campaigners in Louth […]
How Amazon Workers Can Fight Back
This article, originally published last year, was written by Leicester Socialist Party member Tessa Warrington and was first published in the national newspaper of the Socialist Party, but given the ongoing campaign being waged by the Baker’s Union to organise workers in Leicestershire (at Amazon’s new site in Ellistown, Coalville) it is now being republished […]
Tories Wreck Our NHS
The NHS crisis is escalating as the Tories continue their mission to ‘slash, trash and privatise’ our health service. Thanks to sustainability and transformation plans (STPs), hospitals are facing a bleak winter. Alarmingly, despite the fact that there are already too few inpatient beds for hospitals to cope, proposals have been made to cut back […]
Strike Could Force Another Election
A letter published in today’s issue of the Leicester Mercury by Tom Barker Some important insights were made by Fraser Nelson, former editor of The Spectator magazine and apparently one of the more far-sighted Tories, in Thursday’s Telegraph, where he described how the Tories have lost control of British politics. One of the critical mistakes […]
Leicester Socialists Join the Fight Back Against the Tories
On Sunday 1st October, socialists from Leicester joined other anti-austerity, anti-racist and anti-war campaigners and trade unionists in a massive march through the centre of Manchester – as the Tory Party conference was assembling – under the demands: No more austerity Scrap the pay cap For decent health, homes, jobs and education
Pracownicy fabryki Tulip zagłosowali jednomyślnie za akcją protestacyjną po konflikcie o podwyżkę pensji i po cięciach w środkach bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy.
By Lindsey Morgan (translated from English to Polish by Artur Wilk) Oddział Leicester Partii Socjalistycznej oraz NSSN były obecne na niedzielnym, kryzysowym spotkaniu oddziału z pracownikami z Tulip, zakładzie przetwórstwa żywności w Coalville. Obecni pracownicy zagłosowali jednogłośnie za rozpoczęciem procedury akcji protestacyjnej. Miało to miejsce po załamaniu negocjacji pomiędzy Tulip a Związkiem Piekarzy (BFAWU). Pracownicy […]
Tulip Workers Vote Unanimously for Industrial Action After Pay Row and Health and Safety Cuts
Leicester Socialist Party and the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) attended an emergency branch meeting today for workers from Tulip, a food processing plant in Coalville. The members present voted unanimously to ballot for industrial action due to a series of abuses by their employers. This was after talks between Tulip and the Bakers’ Union […]
Leicester Protest Supports Historic Strike at McDonald’s
Workers at two McDonald’s restaurants based in South East London and Cambridge undertook a successful strike action on 4 September. This strike represents the first action of its kind within the British branches of the fast-food chain. Following similar protests that have taken place last year, on Monday around thirty people joined the Bakers Union […]